We will be having our church business meeting in place of worship service.
Letter from Pastor Search Committee.
The Pastor Search Committee is pleased to announce that we have completed our final report recommending a permanent pastor for our church. Due to Covid, this final report along with ballots and a self-addressed stamped envelop is included in a packet that has been mailed out to all church members. You have probably received the packet. We wanted you to have time to review the information before Nov 15th. On Nov 15th at 11AM there will be a called business meeting during which the pastor search committee will present their final report and entertain questions, comments, or concerns of the congregation.
Letter from the Board of Deacons:
On Nov 15th at 11AM there will be a called business meeting for the entire congregation. At the beginning of the meeting, Pastor Wood will give a short message or devotion to the business meeting. Also, the Operation Christmas Child boxes will be offered with prayer. We hope to see all church members at the meeting. Business items on the agenda include:
2021 Church Budget
Approval of additional committee members
Presentation of Pastor Search Committee’s final report